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The Glasgow Golf Union, founded in 1955, is tasked with the development of golf in the Glasgow Area. The principal role of the Union is to provide assistance to Clubs in helping them maintain and grow their membership as well as developing golfing talent that can succeed at local and national levels.

We also act as a liaison between Scottish Golf and member clubs while providing the survey of courses for course rating and offer advice to Clubs on a number of subjects. Competitions are held annually for the elite golfer to the handicap player.

  1. Constitution
  2. Past Presidents
  3. Executive


The Constitution of the Glasgow Golf Union may be viewed below:

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GGU Constitution (latest version June 2017) 


Please note:
The revised constitution is displayed for information and any feedback as part of the agreed amalgamation process making our constitution gender neutral along with the caveat that this will be tabled at the 2017 AGM for approval in October.


Since 1955 The GGU have been fortunate to have had so many great golf administrators. 
Without their dedication and hard work the Union would not have survived the last 60 years.


2023 S Machin Cowglen
2021-22 J Wilson Cathcart Castle
2019-20 S Anderson Sandyhills
2017-18 A Smith Bishopbriggs
2015-16 W Wood Ralston
2013-14 R Burnett Cathkin Braes
2011-12 D MacRae Cawder
2009-10 W Keen Sandyhills
2007-08 D A Lamond Haggs Castle
2005-06 J B Gould Ralston
2003-04 J J Quin Bishopbriggs
2001-02 R J G Jamieson Cowglen
1999-00 A B Watt Cathkin Braes
1997-08 G M Elton Sandyhills
1995-96 R C Matthew Ralston
1993-94 J Wands Cawder
1991-92 G R Cameron Sandyhills
1989-90 I C Campbell Pollok
1987-88 I Stewart Ralston
1985-86 G B Cosh Cowglen
1983-84 D I Muir GJCC
1981-82 M C Dewar Sandyhills
1979-80 E G L Barclay Bishopbriggs
1977-78 J D McKean Haggs Castle
1975-76 J M Matheson Cowglen
1973-74 G O McInnes Glasgow HSFP
1971-72 J W Walkinshaw Haggs Castle
1969-70 W S McFarlane Cathcart Castle
1967-68 M McKeand Littlehill
1965-66 D A M Jamison Ralston
1963-64 G Sanderson Cathcart Castle
1961-62 W D Robertson Hutchesons  GSFP
1959-60 G C Morris Pollok
1957-58 J M Steel Cawder
1955-56 E D Hamilton Ralston

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Glasgow Golf Union 2017 - 2025